
Terminology 101: Educational Terms to Know



Here are some terms to know in your search for the right educational experience for your child.

A Level

Short for General Certificate of Education Advanced Level, A Levels are studied between the ages of 16-18. A Levels are British educational qualifications which school children take.


The term academy has originally been used to describe private schools or semi-private. More recently educators have used the term in reference to three common reform strategies: (1) “smaller learning communities; (2) teaming; and (3) theme-based academies.

Accounting, Business and Management (ABM)

This strand is designed as an introductory course in accounting and business and management where students are trained to think logically and scientifically.


Accreditation is the act of granting credit or recognition, especially to an educational institution that maintains suitable standards.

Advanced Placement (AP)

Advanced Placement (AP) is not a programme of study that itself culminates in a High School diploma. It is a variety of courses offered as separate entities at Advanced Placement level. They are designed to be university or college-level courses of study.


Refers to the wide variety of methods or tools that educators use to evaluate, measure, and document the academic readiness, learning progress, skill acquisition, or educational needs of students.

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is a national level board of education in India for public and private schools, controlled and managed by Union Government of India.


School curriculum refers to a particular set of courses that a school or governing body designates, but may also refer to a variety of activities designed to foster education and meet the needs of a learning community.

Education & Training Quality Authority (BQA)

The Education & Training Quality Authority (BQA) is an independent entity established as a part of the National Education Reform Project that aims to improve the services provided in education and vocational training in Bahrain.

(General Certificate of Secondary Education) GCSE

Short for General Certificate of Secondary Education, GCSEs are studied between the ages of 14-16 years and are assessed by formal exams. GCSEs cover a wide range of subjects and each student chooses several subjects to study. Most are expected to take English, Mathematics, and Science. Coursework may count for part of the final mark depending on the subject and syllabus. The curriculum is set by the government but exams and specifications (syllabuses) are sent by individual exam boards.

Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS)

This strand is for learners who aim to take up journalism, communication arts, liberal arts, education, and other social science-related courses in college.

IB Diploma Programme

The IB Diploma Programme is offered by the International Baccalaureate (IB) for students aged 16-19 years. It is a demanding two-year curriculum that leads to a qualification recognized by universities around the world.

International Baccalaureate (IB)

IB is a comprehensive academic program emphasizing traditional disciplines while encouraging an international perspective. IB offers three programmes used in many schools all over the world: PYP (Primary Years Programme), MYP (Middle Years Programme), IB Diploma Programme.

Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE)

The Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE) is an examination conducted by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination, a private board of school education in India.

Middle Years Program (MYP)

The Middle Years Programme (MYP) is offered by the International Baccalaureate (IB) for students aged 11-16 years and provides a framework of academic challenge and life skills through embracing and transcending traditional school subjects.


Statement outlining the school guidelines they follow to achieve their goals or maintain performance standards.

Open House

An event where parents can learn more about the school and its offerings.

Primary Years Program (PYP)

The Primary Years Programme (PYP) is offered by the International Baccalaureate (IB) for students aged 6-12 years and focuses on the development of the whole child in the classroom and in the world outside.


A standardized test measuring the critical thinking, mathematical reasoning and writing skills of students planning to attend college.

Special Education Needs

A school or program for children who have mild to moderate learning differences.


STEM is an educational program developed to prepare primary and secondary students for college and graduate study in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics


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