Ministry of Education’s spokesperson Ibtesam Al-Shehri has confirmed that soft drinks are not allowed inside schools due to their violation of the health requirements set by the Ministry.
The ministry has also demanded from the education departments to follow up on what the school canteens offer. She also stressed that the ministry will monitor the school canteens to check their commitment to not selling soft drinks and their adherence to selling the allowed food choices in school.
The ministry has directed the educational departments to open up the doors of competition for the private sector in regard to providing food services, the spokesperson said.
She confirmed their readiness in all the fields to receive the students, such as completing whole services that will be provided for them, printing the curricula and delivering them to schools.
All the school books would be available as a digital copy too on the “Madrasati” platform, in addition, it will be distributed as a printed copy, except for several tracks, such as digital skills; art education; life and family skills, which will be provided as a digital copy only. There are so many new curricula that will be taught this year, such as critical thinking; digital and technical skills series.
She added that there will also be new curricula for the secondary school’s tracks, which is considered as an important subject such that it will help students gain skills that prepare them for the labour market directly after graduating or to complete their studies in the universities. The curricula are data science; engineering; financial management; vocational education, and many more.
With regard to e-learning and the ways to benefit from the Madrasati platform, the spokesperson noted that students are still benefiting from the platform since its launch till today. She confirmed that the ministry would continue in developing the platform, as it will be a reference for the teachers, students and even parents.
As for transportation, the spokesperson added that the ministry continues in enabling the parents to register their children for the transportation via Noor system. She added that several school buses have been prepared and maintained, as well as, the ministry has provided drivers.