The new academic year in Oman will begin on September 12 as more and more students and teaching staff get vaccinated and new COVID-19 infections are on the decline, local media reported.
According to the Ministry of Education, the school resumption will be conditional on strict adherence of COVID-19 protocol. The academic year will end on July 7, 2022.
For grades 1 to 6, a blended education system – a combination of in-person and online classes – will be followed. Low-density schools (with no more than 20 students in a class) will follow the direct education system in which students attend classes on all school days.
As for grades 7 to 11, the traditional educational system will be followed. However, schools with over 30 students to a class will follow the blended education system. Meanwhile, Grade 12 will follow the traditional education system.
The Sultanate ended the last academic year early in May, following a spike in coronavirus infections. The new decision was based on the latest epidemiological situation as COVID-19 infections in the country saw significant decline.
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