UTB is committed to the provision of high-quality education and serves as a key player in economic development and growth. The University offers market-oriented accredited programmes including bachelor degrees in International Business, Business Informatics, Computer Sciences, Mechatronics Engineering, and Informatics Engineering, as well as Master of Business Administration. UTB offers the most affordable, and internationally accredited programmes in Bahrain.The university is currently undergoing a significant transformation from its primordial setting to a university of technology that will radically upgrade its position as one of the main providers of cutting-edge technology and business programmes. The development plans which are currently being executed include total renovation of its campus spreading over more than 53,000 square meters, IT systems, academic programmes including at least 5 new academic programmes, sports facilities, staffing, and other key areas of the university operations. UTB has established robust links with the industry and the public sector to ensure alignment of its programmes to market needs and continuous development of its profile as a leading private university in Bahrain.
Category | University |
Course | Professional Courses |
Area | Salmabad |
Address | Building No: 829, Road: 1213, Block: 712, PO Box: 18041 |
Governorate | Southern |
Telephone | +973 1778 7978 |
Email address | [email protected] |
Website | http://utb.edu.bh |
Sex | Co-educational |
Accredited | Yes (Higher Education Council in Bahrain) |
Year of Establishment | 2002 |
Annual Fees | Undergraduate Application Free: BHD 25 Registration Fee: BHD 50 Technology Fee: BHD 30 Tuition Fee (BSIB, BSBI, BSCS, BSIE, BSME): BHD 51.500/credit unit Tuition Fee (BSEnE, BSAF, BSIT): BHD 75.000/credit unit Graduation Fee: BHD 250.000 Post Graduate Application Free: BHD 25 Registration Fee: BHD 50 Technology Fee: BHD 30 Tuition Fee: BHD 90.125/credit unit Thesis or Dissertation Fee: BHD 750 Graduation Fee: BHD 250 |
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